Saturday, March 7, 2015

Space The Final Picker Frontier

First off If your a hoarder not a re-seller ignore any advice here. Second if you pick only smalls it should never even be a worry about space. On the other hand if you pick mainly big stuff like we do space is a real issue if your smaller in the size of your budget and operation. First off is always budget. Me I started with no budget but found some help from an elderly neighbor. He lives alone in a bigger place and we were able to rent that unused area for less then half of what same size storage rooms would cost. This helps a lot on 2 fronts.

It is convenient to have stuff right next door to store and to show. having a small booth at a antique mall may work for some but we prefer Craigslist and EBay. To us we already have enough on our plate in finding, cleaning and refinishing and retailing this way. Having a space in a outlet mall would only cut into our time more and be a added expense that many times is lucky to break even. So we found some cracks to store furniture, show and sell it with out all that extra worry's.

In having limited space we have learn some lessons. The biggest lesson is every inch counts and if it is not selling fast enough blow it out. It is important being little to be smarter on what to buy and how much room is it going to occupy? I remember we used to buy sofa's because they were cheap. End up making 30.00 and taking a week to sell it. Waste of space and time. We learned in that small space I can put three chairs that will make double their money and have more drawing power. The more you offer the bigger the market of clients you will attract and when they see your other pieces may end up buying more..

Well have a great week end and as the Redneck Picker says "Keep your head on a swivel".

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